Week 1 :The first location I visited in Second Life

brain dinner party

brain dinner party and candlelight

The first thing I did when I entered second life was land marking the place where the class would take place as my home, so that I could easily return to that place. I first decided to use a pre-built avatar, since I am new to this game and I find it difficult to change the appearance, it is quite complicated I think and I did not want to spend to much time on designing my avatar. Shortly after, I decided to do changes on my avatar's appearance, simply because I realized that a lot of people in the first area I was when I entered the game, were using the pre-built avatars, probably because they were new to the game too, so there were a lot of people that looked the same as me. In order to make my avatar look  different I changed the outfit a little bit, and by that I mean I changed the top I was wearing and I put a black dragon mask on my face. The reason behind covering my avatars face is that it's not my real face anyway, other players can't see my face expressions and emotions so I might as well cover it with a mask because it really makes no difference. I also decided to wear wings because all players are able to fly in SL, so I thought I might as well wear wings. I usually wear a lot of black so I thought making my avatar wear an all black costume would reflect my personality. My username is my first name, Lily, but I decided not to use my real name to stay anonymous, so instead of using my real family name which starts with a G, I decided to call myself Green Tea since it also starts with a G and because I like Tea. During the first class John, our lecturer, told us about the basics in SL. Among other things he mentioned that people can be rude, but it is a game, so we can log out whenever we feel uncomfortable in a situation. He also made us use the microphone, to see if everyone's sound is working. The first assignment for this week  was to explore 3 locations in SL. My first destination was a Halloween themed location called 'Gotham'. I was excited to see that there are also locations that are more fantasy based. I know Second Life is a game, and therefore it should not be unusual to see less real life-like locations, but since the game is called 'Second Life', I thought maybe it is just supposed to simulate real life, only in a virtual environment, so I didn't expect to see horror themed locations. While visiting a spooky mansion, I observed a rather unusual dinner party . The second location I visited was called 'Fallen Gods', again a fantasy themed location. I really liked this one, the landscapes where beautiful, the buildings were incredible. I just expected to see more people walking around, but there was barely anyone to see. I learned that I can walk under water for as long as I like, and without drowning! I like that.

Me standing in front of a beautiful temple
Me spotting a ship

me, sitting on the ship observing the sunset
The third location I chose to visit was an international one, Moscow Island. Again, I expected more people, but there was nobody to be seen. So I decided to do some sightseeing during my visit in Moscow. But I wasn't able to enter the Basilius Cathedral, which was a little disappointing...
I also realized that I wasn't able to fly in this location? So I was wondering if it is possible that not every location allows you to fly around? I also spotted a car, which I thought would be interesting to sit in, or maybe to drive around, if possible. Unfortunately I wasn't able to open the car.
car that I wasn't able to drive
building I wasn't able to enter


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